This evening I tried to stick to my goal to preview tomorrow's lecture. Btw, I found it so difficult to do it thoroughly..(tears & run)
The material is too much and frankly speaking it is tedious, so I nodded off while studying. After falling asleep for a while I was awake again and
decided to finish reading ASAP or I might die of boredom.
At the very moment the fire alarm in my house is on!! I've made a practice before that when the alam is on we should rush out ot the building and
take nothing. Well I do rush out of the biluding but I remember to take my coat and keys with me , kerker.
I did smell something burned (which means it's not a false alarm!!) One of the porters came and got in to see which flat is the primary spot.
And it looked like the flat right above ours is the one. Firefighters arrived in a short period and got in the building to do somethig.
(I guess they were evacuating the smoke) Finally all of the residents in that building could go back!
When all of us are evacuated, some of the residents didn't wear their coats. I even saw one guy came out on his bare feet.
A bunch of people (most are not well-dressed) standing in front of the three-floor building chatting and shivering, can you imagine?
I think the person who cause the fire alarm on will be fined maybe 20 or 30 pounds. Gee~